ABT SEO Checker : SEO Tools Portal

SEO ToolsHi ! I was thinking from long back to launch a SEO Tools site and its finally here. We have launched ABT SEO Checker. ABT SEO checker is a site in which there are numerous tools which will surely help you and your site. 

Today SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is essential for all the sites if they want to rank higher in SERP (Search Engine Ranking Position). Many a times sites and blogs with good content may be neglected and they do not get the deserved traffic and the reason behind this is poor optimization. One should add crucial things like Meta tags, Robots.txt and other important things in their website. Moreover webmasters should monitor their blog regularly in order to work in a better way and be the best in the competition.

ABT SEO Checker is the ideal site for all the above things. It provides you a large variety of tools for you. The site is no mess and we have not added captcha (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) codes in any of the page because I am a blogger too and I know how annoying and irritating it is to fight on with the captcha codes before the results. ABT SEO Checker stores all important tools for webmasters. The tools are listed below - 
  •     Htaccess Generator – Generate htaccess files on the fly
  •     Robots.txt Generator – Generate robots.txt files in a click
  •     Sitemap Generator – Generate a sitemap for your site!
  •     Robot Mode – See your site how crawlers see it
  •     Speed Test – Tells you how fast your site loads
  •     Meta Tags Generator – Generate quick HTML meta tags.
  •     Keyword Cleaner – Organize and clean a list of tags.
  •     Keyword Generator – Get new keyword ideas for you!
  •     PageRank Lookup – Displays your google pagerank
  •     Backlink Lookup – Shows the number of backlinks you have
  •     Indexed Pages Lookup – See how many pages of your site are indexed
  •     Character Length – Gives you lot of information about the entered text.
  •     Password Generator – Advance and non crackable password genetator
  •     Hash Generator – Convert text into MD5, SHA-1, or CRYPT
  •     Whois Lookup – Look up for a domain's owner
  •     HTTP Header Lookup – Checks if your server is sending the right stuff
  •     Script Resources – Quick code resources like jQuery, Angular JS etc.
  •     Live HTML Editor – Code a website without reloading with our editor !
  •     PayPal Button Generator – Make PayPal Pay/Gift button in a click
  •     Map Image Generator – Create maps of any given address
Give ABT SEO Checker a visit and I am sure that you will not regret for your action. Click the text below.


  1. Amazing I think ABT launched now its best product ever. I liked ABT SEO Checker, its provide almost all website analyzer tools at single place going to bookmark it now . :) Thanks ABT.

    Geo Tez Channel

    1. Thanks a lot Sameer :) mKeep Visiting ABT

  2. Sir In My Site www.thesoftplanet.com, Using Your Robot Mode Tool, It Shows Nothing In Page Keywords, How To Put Page Keywords In My Blog ??

  3. Hello,

    this is really very helpful for that guys who is new in seo. thanks for sharing it!!

  4. Hi, Can you make a post for stick navigation like yours and can you give the images in your footer?

  5. Hello Dhiraj,I am in need of your help. During the last few my blog's daily pageviews went from 40,000 to 15,000.You can see this image. I'm not able to detect any problem in my site nor i have changed anything in my site.Can you please help me out? My site is http://www.androidsbestgames.com/

  6. Thank you soo much <3 <3 ....My website need it!!...thnx once more :)

  7. Hi, Can U Make a Tutorial On How to Make a Custom Blogger Template? thanks

  8. So useful tools you have made. thanks for it

  9. Very useful tool. Thank you very much.

  10. These are very useful tools for SEO, I need to save these so I can use it in the future.. Thanks for sharing! God Bless!

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  12. Amazing....... Thanks for sharing!!

    I think ABT launched now its best product ever. I liked ABT SEO Checker, Result its provide almost all website analyzer tools at single place going to bookmark it now .

  13. Nice collection. A few of them I have used.I was also looking for this kind of collection. You can add another SEO tools http://serplab.co.uk/ to check the result of Google SERP of any website. It also instruct me that what I have to do to develop my site. I have used many tools to check my site’s health in Google SERP. But it is totally free better than any premium SEO tools.

  14. great tool for blogger

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