Recent Comments Widget v3 for Blogger

Recent Comments Widget v3 for Blogger
Hello folks, I am back with yet another remake of a widget and this time its the Popular Posts widget originally coded by Danish Harish and later edited by many fellow bloggers. Just like them I have too made a minute change in the widget and added hover animation in it.

The live demo of this widget can be seen by clicking the below button.

Live Demo

Once you have seen the demo, to add this widget in your blogger blog follow the instructions given below.

Adding the Widget

To add this widget in your blog firstly go to Blog Title → Layout → Add Widget → HTML/JavaScript. Add the below given code.

<style type="text/css" scoped>
.allbloggertricks_recent li{background:none!important;display:block;clear:both;overflow:hidden;list-style:none;border:1px solid transparent;border-radius:9px;max-height:100px;-webkit-transition-duration:.5s;-moz-transition-duration:.5s;-o-transition-duration:.5s;transition-duration:.5s;-webkit-transition-property:0;-moz-transition-property:0;-o-transition-property:0;transition-property:transform;margin:0 0 6px!important;padding:3px!important}
.allbloggertricks_recent li:hover{border:1px solid #ddd;
-webkit-transform:rotate(6deg);-moz-transform:rotate(6deg);-o-transform:rotate(6deg) }
.allbloggertricks_recent a {text-decoration:none;}
.avatarImage{padding:3px;background:#fefefe;-webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 1px #ccc;-moz-box-shadow:0 1px 1px #ccc;box-shadow:0 1px 1px
#ccc;float:left;margin:0 6px 0 0;position:relative;overflow:hidden}
.allbloggertricks_recent li span{margin-top:4px;color: #222;display: block;font-size: 12px;line-height: 1.4;}

<script type="text/javascript">
 numComments  = 5,
 showAvatar  = true,
 avatarSize  = 35,
 roundAvatar = true,
 characters  = 40,
 defaultAvatar  = "",
 hideCredits = true;
 adminBlog='Your Name';
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/feeds/comments/default?alt=json&amp;callback=allbloggertricks_recent&amp;&amp;max-results=50">

Add the above code and follow the below instructions.

Setting up the Widget

After adding the code check the configuration of the widget.

numComments - Shows the maximum number of comments to show in the widget.
showAvatar - Change to false if you want to hide avatar in the widgets.
avatarSize - The size of the avatars in the widget measured in pixels.
roundAvatar - Change to false if you do not want the avatar to be round in shape.
characters - No. of characters to show in the comment.
defaultAvatar - The picture to be used when a comment has no avatar.
adminBlog - Replace Your Name with the admin's name so his comments can be hidden.

After making all the changes save the template. You are done now. Now you and your visitors can see this awesome recent comments widget on your blogger blog.

Lastly here comes the update notes of this widget.

v.1 - 11.01.2012
  • Released
  • Script by Harish Dasari
v.2 - 14.05.2012
  • Script modified by Asep
  • Admin removed Comments
v.3 - 09/15/2013
  • Script modified by Afandi Kusuma
  • Expanded clickable area
  • Fixed HTML5 validation issues by Kang Ismet
  • Added animation on hover by AllBloggerTricks
 More work and the expansion of this widget by fellow bloggers will be encouraged.


  1. Great recent comment widget. i will definately use it on my blog. keep blogging !

  2. Hi there,

    This is cool widget. Great jobs buddy! :)

    By the way, i have little request here. I really like your leaderboard ads placement inside the post here. I f you don't mind, can you give us a tutorial how to add it just like yours? :)

    Best Regards.

  3. so nice.Thanks. i do it for my blog :

  4. Aww , you event know indonesia blogger, Kang ismet

  5. Thank for share it good and i like



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  8. nice widget bro

    download fileice premium accounts and fileice downloader by completing just one survey guys from here it is really working

  9. Going to Add This Widget in my Blog And Also Redirect To Your Website

  10. not working bro cause your javascript from dropbox not found that you deleted :(

  11. wowwww lovely

  12. it helps me to add this widgets, your post is awesome

  13. Why deleted ? abt-recent-commentsv3.js

  14. I don't want to use this long script on my website, it would only increase the size and load time. Is there a jQuery for this instead?
