Tabbed Table of Contents for Blogger

Table of Contents
Table of Contents is what every blogger likes to add to his blog. It helps in decreasing the bounce rate of the blog and increasing the pageviews.

Today I am going to show you how you can add an amazing Table of Contents widget to a page of your blog. This widget is made by Taufik Nurrohman of DTE. The concept of this widget is very simple. It is coded with the help of JavaScript and CSS. It also has many options and setting which I will describe below.

A live working demo of this widget can be seen by clicking the below button.

Live Demo

After seeing the demo if you wish to add this widget in your blog then follow the below steps.

Step 1 : Creating a New Page

First of all we need to create a new page and to do this firstly go to Blog Title → Pages → New Page → Blank Page. Page editor will open, now click on HTML tab.

Step 2 : Adding the code

Once you are in the HTML tab of Page Editor add the below code in it.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<div id="tabbed-toc"><span class="loading">Loading...</span></div>
<a style="display:block;text-align:right;font:normal bold 8px Arial,Sans-Serif;text-decoration:none;margin:10px;" href="" title="Tabbed TOC">All Blogger Tricks</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
var tabbedTOC = {
    blogUrl: "", // Blog URL
    containerId: "tabbed-toc", // Container ID
    activeTab: 1, // The default active tab index (default: the first tab)
    showDates: false, // `true` to show the post date
    showSummaries: false, // `true` to show the posts summaries
    numChars: 200, // Number of summary chars
    showThumbnails: false, // `true` to show the posts thumbnails (Not recommended)
    thumbSize: 40, // Thumbnail size
    noThumb: "", // A "no thumbnail" URL
    monthNames: [ // Array of month names
    newTabLink: true, // Open link in new window?
    maxResults: 99999, // Maximum post results
    preload: 0, // Load the feed after 0 seconds (option => time in milliseconds || "onload")
    sortAlphabetically: true, // `false` to sort posts by published date
    showNew: 7, // `false` to hide the "New!" mark in most recent posts, or define how many recent posts are to be marked
    newText: " - <em style='color:red;'>New!</em>" // HTML for the "New!" text
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Copy and paste the above given code in the post editor.

Step 3 : Table of Content Settings

 Now change the URL in the blogUrl field. You may change other settings. It is briefly described in the code what they are and how to change them. After making the changes save the page.

You are done now. Now you can link the page wherever you want. You and your visitors may now see this amazing table of content in your blogger blog.


  1. Awesome Trick man,I added it to my f*cking blog TechEthix

  2. Owsume.......thanks for Sharing
    keep sharing such wonderful tools

  3. Muchas gracias. Eres un genio!!

  4. Taufik Nurrohman, he is my friend, we from indonesia

  5. Hey! Wonderful contents widget, works a treat. Just wondering if there's any way to make the list of Labels wider, since I have a few long-ish labels?

    1. Hi Lewis to make the label side wider add the below given code just at the end of the code given in this post.

      #tabbed-toc .toc-content, #tabbed-toc .divider-layer{
      width: 60% !important;
      #tabbed-toc .toc-tabs {
      width: 40% !important;

  6. was very useful ! ,.
    installed it in 8ruuux download

  7. Thanks Man a great Widget!
    I have installed it in

  8. Wonderful tutorial, it works great. (๑‵●‿●‵๑)

  9. uses to! thanks!

  10. Hello I want to use in , but i have too many labels... like... 500. and i want filter only the most important. Can you help me how can i do this? Thank u

  11. Can you just make a code for only selected labels..?

  12. I'm getting an error that says, "The server requires a username and password. The server says: Google Code Subversion Repository"

  13. Hi friend..
    your css and java script on you page that need log ini with account user and password... how to tabbed table of content can work in my blog...

    kayicarus [at]

    1. Hi, I am the script author. For a valid reason my account in reader-download has been banned by Google. Now the script has been moved to this subdomain:

      Read more: hxxp://

  14. hi, i tried but it say i need to log in....
    please answer.

    thank you

    1. Fixed, you can check it now. Thanks for informing.

  15. This code is not working in my blogspot blog.

  16. Looks it does not work on my blog
    It always stops on "Loading..." and no article is displayed.
    Can someone help, please? Thanks.

  17. Tried to add this and all it delivered on two different blogs was a green line with Loading... in it and nothing else unfortunately.
    Blog I most wanted to use it on was

  18. Hi,thank for your important tutorial about blogspot.
    For more,please visit my blog.
